
Offering Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven solutions to help improve recovery rates, while simultaneously improving the brand experience and customer loyalty. A one-stop solution for debt collection, which includes data enrichment module sources, accelerated Digital streamlines and simplified marketing data collection, connection and distribution across all channels and devices.

Why use DigiConnct™ automation for your business?

A lot of Debt collection companies find it difficult to strike a balance between achieving high ROI and remaining risk free. This is where you might need our intervention. Our strategy is simple: Predict – Connect – Deliver

With deep-seed data mining and 1000+ consumer variables, we cannot go wrong in bringing the ROI with a great customer experience.
This, along with prime-time recommendations for reach out makes it less frequency of calls and lesser drop-outs, connecting you to the right person in the FPOC.
Our algorithm identifies trends, anomalies, and opportunities. Detects early delinquency, and potential threats reducing the chances of falling into spam.
Relies on the digital data obtained from cookie and link tracking or the e-mail authentication process, thus providing additional information about the socioeconomic status.

Why use DigiConnct™ automation for your business?

A lot of Debt collection companies find it difficult to strike a balance between achieving high ROI and remaining risk free. This is where you might need our intervention. Our strategy is simple: Predict – Connect – Deliver

Collects Digitally on your Behalf

With deep-seed data mining and 1000+ consumer variables, we cannot go wrong in bringing the ROI with a great customer experience.

Intelligent segmentation and prioritization of accounts

This, along with prime-time recommendations for reach out makes it less frequency of calls and lesser drop-outs, connecting you to the right person in the FPOC.

Automated Portals & Pattern Recognition For Predicting likely Outcomes

Our algorithm identifies trends, anomalies, and opportunities. Detects early delinquency, and potential threats reducing the chances of falling into spam.

Cataloging the historical engagement patterns to establish legitimate interest (GDPR), implied consent, and geo-tagging

Relies on the digital data obtained from cookie and link tracking or the e-mail authentication process, thus providing additional information about the socioeconomic status.

Minimisation of Operational Risk

DigiConnct’s AI algorithm leverages diverse fully-automated technologies and cloud-based services for decoding your customer interactions and personas, reducing your cost of collections to as low as 18% and delivering better recovery rates for you.

Data-driven management decisions at lower cost

To generate robust customer insights, personalized communication, offers & services. We offer in-depth cloud solutions to accelerate business workflows, ascertain business continuity, and provide increased security that prioritizes new-age solutions consistently driven by analytics.

Customer journey mapping and transparent reporting for integrated intelligence and superior decision-making

Little or no human errors and high operational flexibility and scalability since it collects digitally on agent’s behalf. Predelinquency outreach made more effective with enhanced predictive dialer and advanced segmentation of accounts.

Dasceq in Numbers

Account Processed


Payment Processed


$$ Collected


Call Count


Call Duration in Min


Dasceq Alternate Data


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