Best Time to Call

When it comes to debt collection, the time for an email or phone call is important. It will be different depending on what kind of person you are dealing with and how receptive they may be at that moment in their schedule. With in-dept hundred plus variables to go deep into your dataset, the perfect times can now finally be predicted – giving your company a much better chance when trying to reach your target.


Communicate more effectively with different types of client personalities

Identifying the best time and channel to reach out to the debtors is a critical aspect of being compliant and maintaining a great customer experience. No customer pays when you call them on wee hours at their erratic schedule. It is essential to emphasize on customer contact propensity and preference over just payment propensity.

Hyper-personalized, cross-channel communications for reaching out to debtors on their preferred communication channels like SMS, call, email, or WhatsApp for reminders about repayment dates.
An integrated system that can communicate with borrowers, allocate cases, notify agents for in-person communication, receive payments, and track every activity in the system for a best consumer experience.
Borrower segmentation, Account prioritization and Case distribution for minimum to no human interventions.

Communicate more effectively with different types of client personalities

Identifying the best time and channel to reach out to the debtors is a critical aspect of being compliant and maintaining a great customer experience. No customer pays when you call them on wee hours at their erratic schedule. It is essential to emphasize on customer contact propensity and preference over just payment propensity.

Personalization of Debtor Interaction

Hyper-personalized, cross-channel communications for reaching out to debtors on their preferred communication channels like SMS, call, email, or WhatsApp for reminders about repayment dates.

Multi-channel Integrated Messaging

An integrated system that can communicate with borrowers, allocate cases, notify agents for in-person communication, receive payments, and track every activity in the system for a best consumer experience.

Augmented Intelligence to Connect Right & Relevant

Borrower segmentation, Account prioritization and Case distribution for minimum to no human interventions.

Avoid Cold Calls

Collating data through our single-sequence dashboards with deep data mining maximize the potential of your channels, messaging, timing and the tone to improve collections rates and customer experiences. Accelerate the path of reaching the right customer at their preferred time via preferred channel without having to waste cost and labor on endless cold calls.

Less Calls more Interaction

We help customer engagement teams connect with customers in the most meaningful way by filtering out questions that are easiest to answer and leaving more time for representatives to connect directly with customers who have highly complex portfolio.

Optimized Customer Engagement

By implementing the diverse datasets of Dasceq’s outreach, you align your processes with customer expectations. And this not only includes sending messages at the most appropriate times. It covers choosing tailored messages to send from the customer’s preferred channel to encourage business-led empathetic conversion over hard-core collections.

Dasceq in Numbers

Account Processed


Payment Processed


$$ Collected


Call Count


Call Duration in Min


Dasceq Alternate Data


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