Digi Connect

Accelerated Digital streamlines and simplifies marketing data collection, connection and distribution across all channels and devices.

The deepest in-app chat platform anywhere

Our API-based chat service lets you build in-app chat with all the features of a modern messenger without sacrificing control over your data or user experience.

Intelligence and insights to optimize customer engagement throughout the customer lifecycle.

Recommendations AI supports compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Compliance with GDPR is a top priority for Google Cloud and our customers. See terms and the GDPR Resource Center.

Dasceq AI system analyzes the behavior of each customer to determine its central theme, which is then matched to our topic selections for Messaging, your language and location targeting, a visitor’s recent payment history, and other factors.

Get a complete picture of each Digi performance with analytics that help you make informed, data-based decisions.

Minimisation of Operational Risk

Operational risk is defined (after Basel II) as the risk of monetary losses as a result of faults and / or errors in process, technology or skills or due to external factors. Operational risk may also include other risks such as fraud, legal, physical, and environmental risks.

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24*7 availability

Fully Automated AI Bots available 24*7 for customer support

Reduce the risk of counterfeit currency

Digital banking-enabled fund transfers reduce the risk of counterfeit currency.

More Customer satisfaction

If you make right time right call based on customer priority you will get best results and $$ collection increases.

Trusted by a 100 million users

Get to market fast with an easy-to-use chat API and native chat SDKs for Android, iOS, JavaScript, .Net, Unity and Flutter. Our native or React UI components will speed your design.

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